Cancer in pets can occur due to environmental, genetic or lifestyle factors. Here are some telltale signs of cancer in dogs you shouldn’t ignore.

Just like us humans, our pet children too are at risk of getting cancer and it is important to know the early signs of the deadly disease in them. Cancer in pets can occur due to environmental, genetic or lifestyle factors. From exposure to carcinogens which includes certain chemicals in herbicides or pesticides to second-hand smoking – that lingers in air – and thirdhand smoking – harmful residue left behind – could increase risk of cancer in your beloved pets. In certain cases, poor dental hygiene could lead to oral cancer in kids which could be easily prevented by following a strict dental health regime. Nutrition and exercise too play a big role in reducing risk of cancer for your furry babies as it ensures healthy weight.
Studies say that dogs over the age of 10 have more chances of getting cancer than younger ones. However, noticing signs of cancer early on in your pets could help make treatment more effective.
Dr Vinod Sharma, Head of Veterinary services at DCC Animal Hospital in an interview with HT Digital talked about warning signs of cancer in dogs one should pay attention to:
– While grooming your dog, check for lumps and bumps underneath your pet’s skin which could be an early sign of cancer.
– While cleaning your dog’s teeth, look for any bleeding from the mouth or bad breath. Your pet could also be drooling excessively. In some cases, you could notice a swelling on their face or a loose tooth.
– You can check your furry baby’s ears from time to time for any bleeding or non-healing infection or any growth.
– If you feel your pet has lost interest in eating and is looking leaner than before, it’s time for a check-up.
– Coughing or difficult breathing is another sign of cancer. Don’t take it lightly.
– If you dog is suffering from bladder cancer, you may notice your pet companion drinking water excessively or urinating too much. Blood spots in urine or after urination can be signs of worry.
– Any swelling in limbs which is hard and painful can be a sign of osteosarcoma.
While your pets may not be able to communicate their discomforts, noticing these signs early could help in quick diagnosis and treatment which could save their life.