MI6 Chief Richard Moore said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s soldiers will “have to pause” as they find it hard to find more troops and equipment to send to the frontline in eastern Ukraine in the coming weeks.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is ‘running out of steam’ in Ukraine, and his forces may have to ‘pause’ in the coming weeks, the head of MI6 has said. Richard Moore, the chief of the UK Secret Intelligence Service, said the war was ‘obviously not over’, but Putin had made an ‘epic fail’ invading the sovereign state.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum in the US, Moore said, “I think he has suffered a strategic failure in Ukraine. It is obviously not over. He has obviously made, and the Russian forces have made, some incremental progress over recent weeks and months but it is tiny amounts.”

“We are talking about a small number of miles of advance. When they take a town, there is nothing left. It is obliterated. And I think they are about to run out of steam. I think our assessment is that the Russians will increasingly find it difficult to supply manpower over the next few weeks,” the MI6 chief added.

They will have to pause in some way and that will give Ukrainians opportunities to strike back. Their morale is still high. They are starting to receive increasing amounts of good weaponry,” Moore remarked.

With winter coming and the pressure on gas supplies, ‘we are in for a tough time’, according to Moore, who believes a Ukrainian fightback could spread benefits across Europe. “It is important, I think, to the Ukrainians themselves that they demonstrate their ability to strike back. I think that will be very important for their continuing high morale. I also think, to be honest, it will be an important reminder to the rest of Europe that this is a winnable campaign by the Ukrainians,” he stated.

At least 66 of Putin’s colonels have been killed in the Ukraine war, and he has suffered significant losses. The United States estimated the number of Russian casualties during the invasion to be about 15,000 this week, while Ukraine put the figure much higher at 38,850.

Additionally, Moore rejected the notion that Putin, who has made numerous public appearances recently and frequently appeared unstable, has Parkinson’s disease, cancer, or some other ailment. The MI6 chief stated that there is no evidence that the Russian President is suffering from serious ill health and that going into the invasion, ‘the reality of what they were about to encounter was just not being briefed up’ to the Russian leader.

Moore added that the ‘pretty concerted effort’ against Moscow led to the expulsion of ‘something roughly north of 400’ intelligence officers operating under diplomatic cover. “We reckon in the UK that has probably reduced their ability to do their business to spy for Russian in Europe by half,” he added.

The MI6 chief also thinks ‘it is too early to tell what lessons they (China) will draw from Putin’s misadventures in Ukraine’, but China’s President Xi Jinping is watching this like a hawk’. This makes it ‘essential’ that ‘we tough it out on Ukraine’, keep going through this winter and help the Ukrainians to win and negotiate from a position of significant strength, he suggested. Russia and China are said to have a relationship based on the idea of ‘no limits’, the conference heard.

According to Moore, despite being ‘quite conservative about military assistance’, the Chinese are helping the Russians over Ukraine by buying their oil. “They are right on the front foot of beating the Russian drum and selling the Russian narrative around Ukraine and doing it without any sense of irony,” he said.

“This is a country that spends a lot of time banging on about sovereignty and territorial integrity, and here is the most egregious example of someone tearing that up in Europe and the Chinese keep on selling their snake oil around the world. It feels pretty tight, but it is not an equal partnership. Ukraine has made it less equal. Moscow is very much the junior, and the Chinese are very much in the driver’s seat,” Moore concluded.