The RSS on Friday changed its social media profile photos to the National Flag, responding to the call of PM Modi ahead of India’s 75th Independence Day. The RSS earlier criticised the politics over its social media photos after the Congress attacked the RSS for not adhering to PM Modi’s call because of its ‘opposition to India’s National Flag for 52 years’. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took a dig at RSS and said those who are raising slogans of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ today are from the ‘anti-national’ organisation which refused to hoist the tricolour for 52 years.
Slamming the attack from the Congress, the RSS earlier said they already extended support to Har Ghar Tiranga and Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav programmes and were in the process of deliberation regarding social media photos. “This is a process. Let us handle it our way. We are thinking about how to celebrate,” an RSS functionary was quoted by news agency PTI earlier on this issue.
On Friday, the social media photos were changed and the publicity department of the organisation said the workers were actively participating in the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign. The RSS on Saturday also posted a compilation of videos of Mohan Bhagwat and other RSS leaders hoisting the National Flag.
After the change in social media photos of the RSS accounts, Congress leader Pawan Khera said the ‘sheepish’ RSS finally changed the photos after tremendous pressure for a week.
While all BJP leaders changed their social media photos to that of the National Flag following the appeal of PM Modi, Congress leaders chose a different photo — Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru waving the National Flag. The BJP criticised and said Rahul Gandhi should allow party members to use their photos with teh Tricolour.
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