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  • Kuttiyamma Konthi, a 106-year-old woman, is travelling on a flight for the first time.
  • She is travelling from Cochin International Airport to New Delhi to attend a Women’s Day meeting organized by the Delhi government.
  • The meeting will be held at the India Habitat Centre on Saturday, where Kuttiyamma will be honored for scoring 89% in the Kerala Literacy Mission’s exam at the age of 104.
  • The event organizers contacted Kuttiyamma’s grandson, Biju, and sent flight tickets for Kuttiyamma, Biju, and his wife, Rajani.
  • Kuttiyamma is stable and excited about her first flight.
  • Kuttiyamma aced the literacy exam held two years ago, which is equivalent to primary education, testing candidates’ knowledge about Malayalam alphabets, basic math, and the ability to write one’s own address.
  • Rehna John, the Saksharatha Prerak who took classes for Kuttiyamma, said she was an enthusiastic learner.
  • Kuttiyamma is an avid newspaper reader and keenly scans business pages, agricultural product prices, and obituary pages.
  • Kuttiyamma got married at the age of 16, and her husband passed away in 2002. They have five children, and she is now staying with her eldest son Gopalan.

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