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The man reportedly got separated from his friends near northern Bolivia and got lost in the Amazon rainforest for over a month.

Amazon Rainforest is a dream location to visit for many nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. However, due to its fascinating biodiversity, the world’s largest tropical rainforest also has its fair share of danger. If someone gets lost in the rainforest then it can very well put their life at risk. And, it would be a very tough job to survive in such treacherous terrain. This is what reportedly happened to this 30-year-old Bolivian man who shared how he survived for 31 days after getting lost in the forest.

The man identified as Jhonattan Acosta, shared that he got separated from his friends in northern Bolivia, reports the BBC. He also expressed that he collected rainwater in shoes and drank it to quench thirst. Also, to survive, he ate worms and insects. And, he did all these while ensuring that he is hidden from dangerous animals like jaguars and peccaries.

“I ate worms, I ate insects, you wouldn’t believe all I had to do to survive all this time,” he told Unitel TV, reports the BBC.

Immediately after his disappearance, his family started searching for him. After 31 days, the search party finally found him when he limped towards them from bushes. Besides a dislocated ankle, he also had dehydration. Also, he had lost almost 17 kgs when he was found after being lost in the jungle for about a month. Presently, he is with his family and recovering.


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